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Professional Licensure by State - Maryland

Graduates from an out of state educator preparation program who do not have teaching experience or have an out of state certificate, please submit the following: 

  • Official transcript(s), which must show the degree and date of conferral. Student copies in an unopened mailer are also acceptable​
  • Basic Skills tests scores or a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on the most recently earned degree (teacher applicants only)
  • Content and Pedagogy test scores (if applicable)
  • An initial application for certification
  • A cover letter with your name, mailing address, last 4 digits of your social security number, date of birth, personal email address, and the area of certification you are seeking.

Approval Status

Pima Community College’s Post Baccalaureate Teacher Education Program meets the academic requirements for initial certification.

State Website

Maryland Licensure Website

Contact Information

Maryland Department of Education
Certification Branch
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 410-767-0406


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